Let’s Talk About Guitar Practice

May 9, 2024 | Learning Guitar, Online Guitar Lessons, Teaching Guitar | 0 comments

Do you have any thoughts on practice?  What have you experienced? What does that word means to you? ( it can scare some people, some people thrive on it),  What are your experiences? Have you progressed? Did you hit any plateaus? How do you feel about it? 
Leave me some comments underneath the post so we can see and learn from what each others experiences are.
My Current Approach to Practice
My current attitude to practice is about making it as efficient as possible.
We’ve all got other things to do in the day. As an adult there are other things going on so you have to make sure you get things done without it being too overwhelming. My main job is teaching guitar which is brilliant, I absolutely love it. It really keeps me switched on but that work is geared towards helping other people know what to do and how to interpret their journey of playing guitar. I’m not playing for fun for myself here.
This means….
I have to make sure I stay engaged and do something for myself also. The way I approach that is by setting myself little goals. I really thrive on having a goal so I’ll set myself little goals and put some skin in the game and then work towards it. These days I make sure I’m not overdoing it because you do get to a point where you will stagnate and tire, I’m very ‘pro’ practice regularly and consistently but know when to take a break. Often you will process things to more value in that break so that when you come back to your guitar you will be a little bit better or a little bit more relaxed or have a little bit more brain space to take it in.
To give you some insight…
My current goal is to record and perform every song I’ve uploaded to my Youtube teaching Channel (Jo Bywater Guitar Tuition) as a guitar lesson. I’m going to go back and sing and play all of the songs as separate videos (no editing) to an excellent standard that I’m proud of and upload them all onto another channel (Jo Bywater Guitar Songs). I’m currently working through that and what that’s doing is keeping me engaged, keeping me well oiled, keeping my guitar chops, keeping my singing chops, giving me something to work towards. That will take a bit  of time and I’m thoroughly enjoying the journey of that so far.  It’s switched me back on in some ways as a singer and as a guitarist.
Once I’ve achieved this goal I’ll move on to something else. I know this goal is achievable, I know where it’s going to end and I can only imagine that my next  point to go would be something to do with electric guitar. For me getting to spend some more time  playing my electric guitar would be great. I love my Stratocaster, electric guitar is my first  love and there’s nothing nicer for me than sitting down and getting into some melodies and some harmonies and some licks. I will afford myself some more time with my electric guitar.
Goals don’t always come to fruition. Learning isn’t linear. Be ready to change a goal. Be ready for something to change and to come up with something different to keep you engaged. You’ll  find that you go in a certain direction and you hit a plateau maybe or you realise the goal you decided on isn’t realistically achievable at the moment. Then you need to spend some time away or come back to it.
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Engage in conversation with me. I’m interested  in what your experiences are.
I’ll see you there
➡️ See what I’m up to here on  Jo Bywater Guitar Songs new channel.
Enjoy 🎸


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