Does your playing seem flat and 'samey'? Do you want to add depth and colour to make it sound more interesting?. Can you hear that when you’re...
15 Mistakes Beginner Guitar Players Make (& how to fix them)
Do you have guitar frustrations!? Niggles, buzzes and slow chord changes that are sticking around and affecting your guitar progress much longer...
What’s Tab? Why’s it upside down? Should you learn it?
Should you learn to read Tab or not? Is it useful, useless, cheating, upside down? There’s a lot of mixed noise. I’m a fan. Here’s why…. ...
Learning Guitar for beginners in 2025
In a world of guitar playing ‘rabbit holes’, learning plateaus and information overload … Here’s how to make sure you start 2025 excited, refreshed...
10 Lessons I’ve Learned From Posting Guitar Tuition Videos In 2024
Always keep learning. It's the only way to stay engaged. I teach guitar and have taught guitar for a long time. I may once have looked at it...
Guitar Lesson GIFT VOUCHERS Available – (gift ideas)
Are you looking for a great idea for a Christmas or Birthday gift for someone you know and love? There's someone in your life who has always wanted...
Black Friday Sale 40% OFF | Premium PDFs
Sale on ALL Premium PDFs until 7th December 2024 (Song sheets & Music Theory PDFs all included) Enjoy learning! 🎸👀 ...
9 EXCELLENT and worthwhile reasons you should tune your guitar
How important is: a) Your guitar being in tune? b) Learning to tune your own guitar? (answer: VERY!) Sometimes tuning a guitar can get...
How to build chords from scales – C Major | Music Theory
Learning how to build chords using the notes from scales is one of the most useful things I ever learned in music theory. It has joined so many...
8 things every guitarist wants AND needs (useful gift ideas)
There are gadgets and gimmicks and things that look useful but the reality is that not all of the things you're told to add to your guitarist kit...
Capos: Your Secret Weapon for Guitar Playing (beginner)
What is a capo? A capo is a small device that clamps onto the neck of your guitar, effectively shortening the scale length. This means that you can...
Which guitar should I choose? (beginners)
What is the ‘best’ guitar for beginners? This is a common question for people who are thinking about learning guitar. There is no 'one size fits...