There are gadgets and gimmicks and things that look useful but the reality is that not all of the things you’re told to add to your guitarist kit are….
I have put together a list of 8 things I KNOW are used over and over as a guitarist. These things I have had around for years and have proved indispensable.
1. String Winder –
Knowing how to change your own guitar strings is one of the best things you can learn. Build the confidence and the speed to do this so you don’t have to wait on someone else to do it for you. Strings break (old string AND new strings). Be ready to sort that situation out asap and be back playing your favourite riff or song in less than 5 minutes. If you need a full string change because you need some sparkle injecting back into your sound it will take a bit longer but it doesn’t have to be a headache or take ages.
One of my game-changer ‘toys’ was my D’Addario string winder. I’ve had this for years now and it really made changing strings a lot more effortless. It has a peg puller so you can harness your acoustic guitar pegs to get them out, a wire cutter (which works fantastically, I’ve used some really dodgy wire cutters in the past, this though is smooth), and a winder (winds the string at a super speed compared to the old laborious finger/wrist winding).
Must have….
D’ Addario
On my research journey I came across this Power Peg Winder that is just a winder but it’s motorised. If you really want to speed up your string replacing this maybe worth looking into:
Ernie Ball Power Peg Winder
2. Tuner –
Tuners really are indispensable. Know how to tune your guitar with a tuner that is reliable and well made. There are lots of excellent app tuners available but if you can pick up a separate one that doesn’t rely on a microphone I’d advise that.
I have used a Boss TU-2 pedal for a long time. It has always been reliable and if I can plug in I always opt to use it. My second in line is the Snark clip-on tuner.

my workhorse tuner
The update is a Tu-3. It will be much shinier than my 20 year old one!
Boss TU-3
The next tuner I’m going to buy for myself is the Polytune. With this you can play all of your strings at the same time and see which need tweaking. They are available as clip-on or stomp.
PolyTune Clip-on
3. Maintenance lotions & potions –
Getting involved in your guitar maintenance and giving your instrument some love will help it last longer, look smarter, play and sound better.
Dunlop 65 Lemon oil is my go-to rosewood fretboard cleaner and conditioner. I’ve had a bottle that’s lasted me years and my guitar fretboard looks and feels lovely when it’s been oiled. I do this before a string change.
Dunlop 65 Lemon Oil
Fast fret is a string conditioner and clearer. I use it often after I’ve been playing to wipe away the oil from my fingers and keep the strings as fresh as possible for as long as possible. This also lasts aaaaages.
Fast Fret
4. Guitar Stand –
A good stand to hold your guitar is priceless. There are a lot of cheap stands around but I have learned lessons after knocking them over and my instruments sustaining cracks that all stands are not created equal. If my guitars are out of their cases I put them on wall mounts. If I need them by my side for lessons, rehearsing or performing a good solid stand is needed. The Hercules stand does this. It locks the guitar neck in so it can’t fall out.
My other fave is this slick looking wooden foldable Cooperstand. I bought this so I could fit it into my guitar gig bag for gigs. It’s compact and holds my guitar with a really snug fit. It also look really smart.
5. Guitar Pro –
Tab & Music transcription software. I have used this for years for all sorts of things. Mostly I’ve used it to write my own tab of songs and guitar lessons (scales, exercises, riffs etc). It’s an extremely powerful and useful piece of software. It has audio so you can layer up the instruments and listen back, loop sections etc. You can see the music as tab, notation, rhythm notation and fretboard maps.
One function this can be used for is to download and play guitar pro tab from the Ulitimate Guitar site. In Guitar Pro you can play back the tab hear it, slow it down, edit.
6. Capo –
Capos are a must – have for most guitarists. If you’re playing acoustic ‘songwriter’ song a lot of the time this will have been recorded using a capo. Capos are also often used on electric guitars to create a different texture, tone and voicing in a mix with another guitar. Useful tool. Also great for getting creative!
My longstanding work-horse capo is Dunlop Trigger. Easy to use and move. Solid build.
My new one is the G7th Performance 3. An excellently designed and intuitive-to-use capo that doesn’t need as much strength and is more refined in its design. Watch my review of this here.
G7th Performance 3
Dunlop Trigger
7. Strap Locks –
If you play with a strap one of the most heartbreaking moments is your strap coming off on one side and your guitar hitting the floor. If you use strap locks this will never happen. You can perform or practise without worrying about your guitar. Priceless!
Shaller strap locks
D’Addario Flex Lock
8. Cable Ties-
Keeping your jack leads in an orderly manner can be frustrating. It sounds like a small thing but if you put them away looking tidy and you go back to see spaghetti enough times it will drive you crazy. Cable ties were a game-changer for me.
These are a must have!
Last thoughts…
Other things guitarists will always need:
- Strings – we always need new strings
- Picks – they come and go. I buy packs of 12 and when I get low buy some more. This is an endless cycle.
- Pick holder or box – Something to keep picks in. I used a few different things: wallet, clip, little box. Picks are always getting lost. Know where to put them so you know where to find them.
My strings
- Elixir Acoustic 12-53
- Fender Bullet Electric
My picks –
- Planet Waves Nylpro Heavy –
- Dunlop Nylon .60
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored blog. I have not being gifted any of the above items for review. These product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something I’ll receive a small commission.