Are you looking for a great idea for a Christmas or Birthday gift for someone you know and love? There's someone in your life who has always wanted...
How to build chords from scales – C Major | Music Theory
Learning how to build chords using the notes from scales is one of the most useful things I ever learned in music theory. It has joined so many...
How to find which CHORDS work together?
It can seem like there is an endless stream of chords when you're first getting into playing guitar and often how to put them together can seem...
Me & Bobby McGee (Key Change Study) – Songwriting Analysis
Me and Bobby McGee written by Kris kristofferson has been covered by some awesome artists. In 1971 it was posthumously released performed by Janis...
TRIADS – How are Open Chords related to Triads? (Guitar Theory)
Triad Foundations - Unlocking Chords and Understanding Triads Triads are a huge point of conversation when it comes to guitar learners. They are a...
Easy E Minor Pentatonic Scale – Guitar Tutorial (& Exercises)
The open E minor Pentatonic is one of the scales I find the most valuable to learn as a beginner. It's a very common and versatile scale used for...
Can’t play / Won’t play F? – 10 ways to play the F chord on guitar (easy & difficult)
The F chord is a very common chord when playing guitar. Some people shy away from songs that contain Fs because they think it involves playing a...